
adware- spam;  is any program that automatically displays or offers unwanted advertising, whether embedded in a web page through graphics, posters, floating windows, or during the installation of a program to the user, in order to generate profit to their authors.          back door; i s a special sequence within the programming code, by means of which algorithm security Cookies; is a small information sent by a website and stored in the user's browser, so that the website can consult the previous activity of the browser. encrynption ;    is the process of encoding a message or information in such a way that only authorized parties can access it and those who are not authorized cannot. Encryption does not itself prevent interference, but denies the intelligible content to a would-be interceptor.      hacker;  is any individual who is dedicated to enthusiastic programming, that is, an enthusiastic expert of any kind. malware;  The term is used to talk about all


Electronic harassment ,  electromagnetic torture  or  psychotronic torture  is a  conspiracy theory  that government agents make use of  electromagnetic radiation  (such as the  microwave auditory effect ), radar, and surveillance techniques to  transmit sounds and thoughts into people's heads , affect people's bodies, and harass people.                                   I think that people have to be careful with what we publish or with our comments


An  operating system  (OS) is  system  software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs. windows mac linux similarities All operating systems are capable of handling multiple users. All are widely compatible with network management. All are capable of handling multimedia files. The screen is very similar, now these three Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems are graphics. All are able to maintain a user interface in graphic form. All are capable of allowing the development of applications. Both Windows and Linux require more hardware resources. Everyone uses windows and a desk. They all have a recycling bin. Everyone has the option of having several accounts to access the system. differences although all share certain characteristics common to modern operating systems (multitasking, multiuser), th